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Visitors 228
Created 11-Jan-12
176 videos

As many of you know I have been intrigued with movie making in some form since the early Super 8 film days. These were actually 3 minute films that were sent away for development and watched in a dark room with reels on a projector and a screen. I was one one of the first in the state to own a Super 8 camera with sound... Imagine that. Home movies never had sound until the late 70's! The VHS video camera came out shortly after. I immediately moved into that generation. These systems were the size of a small suit case and weighed about 20 pounds. I actually figured a way using Radio Shack cords, connectors and multiple VCR's to edit these and add background music. How times have changed. Today my latest passion is in cinema style motion pictures. I am studying not only equipment but every aspect of what sets a cinema style film apart from a home video. This is crazy fun. With high definition cameras, slower frame rates, low light lenses and complicated edit software almost anything is possible. Please be patient with me and understand that I am learning. I am trying to develope "my style" just as i did with still photography. Please feel free to comment on any of the videos.
Thanks for allowing me to intrude in your lives. I hope you can get a little enjoyment from these. Remember, before you know it, these will be a part of our history ... Enjoy, Dan