Sony RX100 Samples

October 21, 2012

I recently had an opportunity to try the New Sony DSC RX100. This is truly a point and shoot camera with DSLR quality! VERY small will actually fit in your shirt pocket but is fricken unbelievable with features and image and video quality. The lens is a 1.8 so you can just forget the flash. Noise at high iso is very managable in Lightroom or other edit software even at real high ISO. Having shot with a Canon DSLR for the past 10 years I was a non believer that a camera this small could achieve the image quality of a DSLR. I read the reviews and watched the youtube videos. I listened to what the pros said. This is true professional quality camera that fits in your pocket. It won't replace my Canon but could be my best friend on many of my outings.  I went out today and shot some pictures. No flash was used on any of these shots inside or out. SUPER fast auto focus and NO delay on the shutter. There is nothing on the market that even comes close to the RX100. Seriously! The price could be a little steep if you compare it to most it's size but the video and image quality compares to camera and lens combos costing thousands more! I'm convinced...

Check all the images at this link-


This was shot this morning before the sun was up. The overheard light was the only illumination in the room.


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