"Lets Get High"

Lets Get HighFlying with a DJI Phantom in Waterville Minnesota by, Dan Delie

This video is my lame attempt at demonstrating the amazing capabilities of the DJI Phantom Drone with a GoPro strapped to its belly. First off, my video is shaky and over processed from trying to make it stable. My Phantom isn't complete for shooting and I was fighting hurricane winds that even the GPS couldn't keep steady. I have a gimbal on order from China and has been for the past several weeks. The gimbal is what keeps the camera straight and smooth even when the Phantom isn't. It's a necessity if I want crystal clear video. It keeps the horizon level at all times and compensates for wind and sudden change of direction. Saturday we went to Waterville to tests out my skills as a Drone pilot! I found out I Suck and it's a little more difficult than I thought! Biggest problem is, my eyesight- I have very little depth perception so judging where the Phantom is in relationship to the earth, trees, wires, people and me is somewhat challenging. I never considered that being an issue but one I'll have to figure out. If all goes to shit and the Phantom goes rouge, I'll flip a switch on the transmitter and auto-pilot kicks in. The phantom automatically comes back to me, lands at my feet and shuts itself off... Amazing!

This all started last month while shooting video at Centennial Lakes on a Sunday afternoon. I met a guy that had a Phantom Drone and eagerly shared his enthusiasm. When I saw the passion oozing from his eyes, I knew I would have to have a Phantom of my own! I put it on my Christmas list and Santa delivered! Since then I've slept about two hours a night spending every waking hour reading, watching and learning the technique of aerial photography. Once I get my flying skills tweaked, I'll be able to produce some incredible high definition cinema video that in the past could only have been achieved by using a helicopter or moving vehicle. Think of being along side a water skier behind a boat, a child on a bike, an outdoor concert even a motorcycle. Doesn't matter what it is, everything takes on a different perspective from above! I'd like to see what I could do with real estate, marketing homes! A very unique way of showing off the exterior features of the property and neighborhood. This affordable new product is in its infant stage, the industry is wide open with enormous opportunities. If you want to see some quality aerial videos, just Google - "DJI Phantom" and see what others are doing...

"Bohemian Like You" is the song if you wanted to know. Turn it up and rock out!


Tech Specs;

GoPro Hero 2 - wide 720 60fps - Protune off - Prodad ProDRENELIN - Sony Vegas - MB Looks - DJI Phantom 1.1.1 with no stabilization what so ever, yet!